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  • KindTail PAWD® | Modern Collapsible Plastic Dog & Pet Crate in white with two dogs, one is inside the other is sitting on top of the crate
  • PAWD® Lounger | Pet Crate luxury bed - KindTail
  • October 25, 2022 1 min read

    Image Credit: Sarah Jackson

    KindTail's PAWD has been featured in an Apartment Therapy article, in a design profile feature showcasing a tiny studio apartment in Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, NY.

    The article showcases how our PAWDs can be used as dog crate furniture in a stylish apartment. The couple, Sarah and Greg Jackson, live in the apartment with their dog, Rex, and see the value of PAWDs blending in nicely with their home’s décor.  

    Read the full article on Apartment Therapy.


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