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  • White crate with a pink mat with a grey dog inside, dog bed, pink dog bowl and silicone mat for the bowls.
  • KindTail PAWD® | Modern Collapsible Plastic Dog & Pet Crate in white with two dogs, one is inside the other is sitting on top of the crate
  • August 09, 2022 5 min read

    Going to the spa is a luxury that helps us relax and de-stress. Yet there is no reason why your dog cannot join in the fun. Pamper your pooch with an at-home spa day and show your fur-baby how much they mean to you. 

    Imagine being a dog! Their world is full of adversities such as having to spend their day resting on the sofa. Or, being dragged outside for daily walks just so their pawrents can show off how cute they are. And, it doesn’t end there. Between close encounters with the neighbor’s cat and listening to their pawrent’s dog mom voice all day long. It's a hard life. Or, as some may say, “it’s a dog’s life”. To recover from these taxing demands on their energy, an at-home spaw-day is a treat-worthy way to be kind to your pup while they unwind. 

    How to create an at-home Spaw-Day

    The key ingredient to an at-home spa day for your dog is a relaxing atmosphere, free from distractions. So, cancel your plans and get creative! It is time to turn your home into a canine version of Massage Envy. To create the perfect environment for your pup, you’ll need a few everyday items such as a kiddie pool, buckets with ice, shampoo, a brush, essential oils, and a yoga mat. Plus, if you have outdoor space, use it. You will be grateful later when there is less to clear away. While the spaw-day is a fun way to bond with your pup, it also promotes a whole host of health benefits. From improving their sleep, and restoring their mental balance to releasing toxins - there is no doubt about it, an at-home spaw day is a must for all dog owners.

    Treat your fur baby to an at home spa day and recreate all your favorite treatments

    Water circuits

    To start this spiritual experience, it is best to let your dog burn off some steam. Play their favorite game of fetch or take them for a quick run about the block. Then, once they are feeling relaxed and ready to enjoy their pamper session let them explore their home spaw. Set up a kiddie pool in the backyard and fill it up with tepid water so that it's refreshing but not a shock to the system. Let your dog play and jump in and out of the pool and use toys to enrich the experience further. Once they appear to be enjoying themselves, liven up the moment by creating a therapeutic shower with the hosepipe. Or, even use it as the jets of your new pawcuzzi. After that, relax their hard-working paws in a chilly ice bath, a la Wim Hoff. The subtle changes between warm and cold will boost your dog’s circulation and improve its metabolism. 

    Give your pup a fur-bulous blowout

    Now that your dog has enjoyed frolicking in their private water circuit, it is time to hit the shower. Yet, this isn’t the quick washdown with the hosepipe after a muddy walk kind of shower. Oh no! A spaw-day, shower involves everything from sweet-smelling shampoos to the perfect blowout. Begin by washing off all the dirt from their exercise routine and water circuit. Next, apply your preferred dog-friendly shampoo and lather it up so that your pup gets a deep clean. Rinse, then apply an enriching conditioner to give your pup’s fur a glossy glow. Take this opportunity to gently massage their body as you rub the conditioner into their fur. Rinse and then towel dry. There is no better way to end this treat-ment than with a blowout. Ensure that your hairdryer is set to low heat and begin brushing and drying your dog until dry. 

    Dogs love being pampered so treat them to an at home spa day and join in the fun too

    Pawtastic pedicures

    No spa day is complete without a trip to the nail bar. So, it goes without saying that your pup gets a fresh mani-pedi for their home spaw day. Some dogs may be funny about letting you touch their paws and others may not like getting their nails clipped, so let them guide you. A mani-pedi is an essential part of dog grooming and not only will it help boost your pup’s general wellbeing, but it will also make it easier for them to walk. Start by filling a plastic tub with warm water. Add one drop of essential oil, a calming lavender for example, then add a scoop of Epsom salts. Take one paw and as it soaks, gently massage the paw to remove any hidden dirt. Pat dry with a towel and apply a rich, moisturizing paw balm or olive oil. This is an excellent time to massage the paw, applying slight pressure to the pads to release tension. If you feel brave, cut the nails being mindful not to cut the quick which will cause bleeding. If you would rather leave this step for the vet, continue with your foot soak for the remaining paws. 


    Now that your fur baby has been exercised, bathed, and pampered, it is time for some relaxation. Canine massage may appear like something best left to the experts, but the basics are simple enough to practice at home. Lay a fuzzy rug on the floor or find a surface that is comfortable for both of you. Start by massaging their head. Place both hands on their scalp and gently move your fingers in circular motions. Then work your way down their neck, shoulders, and legs repeating the same circular motions throughout. For the legs, you may find it easier to take the leg in both hands and lightly pull your hands down the leg, one after the other. Watch as your dog becomes floppier and floppier as the massage progresses. Move down their body massaging their stomach, and thighs and even gently moving their tail in circular movements. Once complete, let your pup rest for a while before getting up. The chances are, after all that relaxation, they will experience a “no-bones day” just like Tik-Tok Star Noodle

    There is nothing a dog loves more than time with their owner so make it special with a spa day

    Canine Chakra Balancing

    If your dog hasn’t floated away on cloud nine, finish your luxurious home spa day with a chakra balancing experience. This can be anything from a relaxing reiki session to a slow-paced doga (dog yoga) class. Finding five minutes in your day to practice mindfulness with your fur baby is an excellent way to build the bond you share. Chakra balancing practices like reiki not only reduce stress levels but also works to boost a dog’s immune system and increase the production of white blood cells and antibodies. To close your special day together, enjoy a refreshing glass of cucumber water and dig into some healthy treats. Bonus points if you both kick back and relax in spa-style white bath robes.